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AAAApocalyptic Bandana

Page history last edited by jarbNarger 5 years, 12 months ago Saved with comment

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AAAApocalyptic Bandana


Forged from a sturdy blend of 100% cotton and pure, unsweetened rage, the AAAApocalyptic Bandana endows the wearer to see the near future. It is in this near future that a list will arise of similarly enchanted hats, and this hat shall hold the all-important top position.


Comments (2)

Anonymous said

at 8:17 pm on Dec 12, 2005

This is just asking for another piece of headgear to be written up, something like Aaaagromar's Helm of Usurpation.

Anonymous said

at 9:57 pm on Dec 12, 2005

So make it!

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