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An Accountant manages the finances of an individual or company. Also known as Book Keepers, Accountants managing larger concerns sometimes direct work forces made of Lesser Accountants. Sometimes marginalized or abused, Accountants have found a form of revenge in Cagousnomics.


Though often responsible for keeping entire kingdoms financially solvent the importance of Accountants has been largely overlooked. One is more likely to hear about the deeds of a great Elemenstor than a heroic Accountant, who through creative financing helped raise an army that defeated their king's foes. Most Accounts regard this as rather unfair and as such are generally grumpy.


It is only recently that any Accountant has gained notoriety, and only in the form of the bumbling fool Miramus Cagous.


Not to be confused with Money Elemenstors, no matter how similiar they may be.


See Cagousnomics, Miramus Cagous, Accountant