Alternate Battal

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Alternate Battal


This world came in to being after Extemporary Feculence used all of his remaining power to save Battal from destruction. It is the setting for ElamenSTAR Shuffle, Elemenstforce and Megawangokyo.


The main differences are the existence of Wangokyo, Char Reyarteb not being evil during his life, the complete nonexistence of The Four Underdogs, and the existence of Wizbits Elemenstor Battle inside the world of Alternate Battal.


The Authoring and Ownership of Alternate Battal

Japanese animation studio FÖZZIE is the creative force behind the crafting of this world, initially created as the backdrop for their ElamenSTAR Shuffle series. The pseudo modern-day Japan-like setting resonated with audiencies and other ELotH franchise contributors and hence it has become the setting for several unrelated works. Even more of a loose confederation of competing supposedly definative sources canon and continuity than Battal Prime, there appears to be no official attempts made to rectify this situation.