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Arcane Northern Realms

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 9 months ago

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Arcane Northern Realms


Emmerging in about year 3,002 (TMSK) rising from the ruins of farthest norther regions of The Land of Thrown Fish, the area that came to be known as the Arcane Northern Realms has been the site of tribal infighting and barbaric turmoil for generation upon generation.


Situated to the north of the chaotic Lands of Va, ancient bloodlines crossed swords during a period rife with bloody conflict, mostly concerning primacy of said bloodlines. On rare occasions, these so-called primitive arseholders would go on adventures, but usually find nothing but their own deaths, such as during the Great Battle of Great Unificationess when an entire tribe of Skarhs were consumed by the armies of the Rhaja Lord.


Mostly isolationist, events in the realm were drawn into affairs affecting all of Battal during the seventeen final battles in the Battle of The Very, Very, Very, Very Arcane Northern Realms. In a single evening the struggles of 20,400 years came to naught as the population of the Arcane Northern Realms was finally wiped out. Not with a whimper, but with the explosive self-immolation of a Dark Elemenstrix.


Notable Northern Barbarian Tribes

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