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Bag of Magical Normalacy

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago

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Bag of Magical Normalacy

The Bag of Magical Normalcy is an average sized brown leather handbag with a shoulder strap for comfort. To all physical inspections, it appears as though it were an average sized brown leather handbag with a strap for comfort. Upon magical inspection; it is discovered that the hand bag was, in fact, once a magical black leather handbag with no strap for comfort. That once the wearer placed an object inside, it came out as another magical black leather handbag with no strap for comfort.


Upon recieving this as a gift from a friend, the Elemenstor Gabrielle the Marvelously Quick-Witted, happened upon a naturally occuring magical phenomena know as the Trible Effect. Fearing that in the hands of the wrong person, the magical black leather handbag with no strap for comfort could mean the end of the world. Seeing what needed to be done Gabrielle cast a spell of normalcy on the bag, thus negating its magical effect. the spell had only one unexpected counter effect. It turned the magical black leather handbag with no strap for comfort into a non magical brown leather handbag with a strap for comfort being that brown was not the fashion Gabrielle threw the bag into the trash.

Comments (2)

Austin said

at 9:07 pm on Aug 8, 2006

Why is there a white box thing going on?

Makes it hard to read.

Tim said

at 9:39 pm on Aug 8, 2006

normally that indicates that this is a quote from something.. not sure if that was the intent here

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