
Band of Men

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The Band of Men

First Alleigance of Men in The Hierarchy

spans from -28,951 - -28,901





Hygrad the Mighty, embracing his newfound "man-ness", developed a deep hierarchical empathy for his fellow Men, who seemed lost and leaderless in The Hierarchy Era. He gathered to him the mightiest warriors of the Northern Vale and banded them together in a... well, a Band of Men.


Timeline Events



  • -28,948 - The Band of Men repel a wave of Soulferic Bats invading the Mysterwoods from the Forests of Misery. Hygrad finds them to be quite tasty, an unfortunate proclivity that would one day lead to his very doom.





  • -28,925 - Dourfur the Untrustworthy offers his sword to the Band of Men. Hygrad is suspicious, but Vilefang convinces Hygrad to accept him, saying: "I think we should trust him."



  • -28,903 - Hygrad becomes sick with Soul Indigestion. His doctor, Gint the Wise, was unable to comprehend his mystical Mortal/Hierarchical body, could do nothing to help him





Men Who Were Banded Together in the Band of Men


The original Band of Men (of whom Hygrad was known as 'Band Leader'):



Later additions:




Band Headquarters


Officially, the Band of Men were primarily based in Mysterwoods of the Northern Vale, as told in The Item Guild Wars. Unfortunately, during the period of The Hierarchy Era, maps were still quite rare and inaccurate and consequently the Band themselves were usually quite lost and spent most of their time wandering about (which they referred to as touring). The band's proclivity for touring is typified by such things as the Expedition of the Giant Troll-ish Things, and suggested by their failure to locate the Plains of Estereem.


Source Material


The story of the formation of the Band of Men is told in the prologue to Covenant of the Hardforge, one of the many ElemenstorLance novels. The remainder of the novel deals with the events of the Brotherhood War. Most of the canonical information on the Band of Men is found in The Item Guild Wars book.

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