
Battal Crabs

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Battal Crabs


Commonly called "Battal Crabs" by ignorant Men, this race of massive crustaceans call themselves the "Bi'kttinitictic", or "Battal Crabs", in their native language. The Battal Crab's homeland is the hundreds of small islands in the Vile Sea, where they have built a tremendous fishing and jewelrymaking industry. This would be of much use to the neighboring towns and cities, if it weren't for the fact that the Bi'kttinitictic hate all other races and enjoy a good Manwich, with a side of Furniliar sticks.


An interesting side business is the harvesting of lost ships finding their way into their territory. This accounts for the majority of ships lost to the Vile Sea's treacherous waters.


The Bi'kttinitictic possess no skill in Elemenstoring, but they do have two massive front claws that could probably rip through platemail like butter. Also, they make simple stone spears and tridents which they can throw an impressive distance.


According to Battal Crab lore, one day their amphibious cousins, the Tk'clickclickturrppp (Battal Toads) will send their Chosen One, and the armies of the Battal Crabs will erase the civilizations of the Dry Feet from Battal.


Battal Crabs are first mentioned in Book 4.


Battle Crabs worship/fear Krakibdus, the dark crustacian god of the Vile Sea.


Battal Crabs are not to be confused with the Wutel's Battle Crabs. Battal Crabs are a noble race, while the Wutel are the despicable, bestial ancestors of the Ponderous Latosh. Or possibly the other way round.

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