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Black Flame
One of The Eight Elemental Constructs introduced in the last three books of the series, Black Flame is not introduced until Book 11. Many speculate that the character was an ill-advised and poorly-implemented attempt to simultaneously increase the appeal of the series among African Americans and homosexuals.
Black Flame is given only a minor role and then extinguished during the Battle of Foelttabeht by the quickly discovered "new element" of White Water. This "new" element supposedly completes the trifecta of "water-ice-something else" proposed by Gordel, High Elemenstor of Elementics.
The character was criticized by the NAACP, Human Rights Campaign and countless others.
The introduction of Black Flame is broadly considered one of the lowest points of the series, a tragic combination of total ineptitude and unscrupulousness on the part of the publisher and author(s?). Kinloboy advocates of the Single Author Theory suggest that the character was deployed ironically by Brahe as an ad absurdum reduction of marching orders he was recieving from Multigame Corp, which was also attempting to re-invigorate sales of Realmworlds Delicous Freezees. To them, Brahe was implying that superficial and manipulative attempts at inclusiveness as part of a marketing program necessarily insult those to whom they supposedly appeal. Most think this is too convoluted an explanation for something that just sucks.
Tragically notable quote:
Whazzup? I can't cool down the fire of my desire. Can't a brutha get some luv? ~ Black Flame in Book 11
Comments (2)
Anonymous said
at 7:12 pm on Jul 19, 2007
Should we reclassify him as a person since he is unique and can talk?
K said
at 7:51 am on Jul 20, 2007
Not sure... technically he's a construct, which I think falls more into the realm of creatures, but he definitely seems to lack any defining creaturely characteristics. I'd love to have more thoughts on this.
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