
Cao Shaitu the Slayer of All Things Slayable

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Cao Shaitu the Slayer of All Things Slayable


The 4th of the High August Jade Lotus Emperors. When the third Emperor died without choosing an heir, the Wang Kingdom was thrust into over 200 years of chaos. This lasted until the year 2,900, with the victory of imperial army (aided by The Donu-Ishu Seven) over The Shadow Lord.


After winning back the imperial palace, it came time to choose the new Emperor. Cao Shaitu and his brother, Cao Kyungah, both generals in the imperial army, attempted to sieze the throne. Shaitu won by killing his brother, his harem, his brother's family, most of the royal army, and varying harmless peasants.


He was mighty and strong, slaying anything that crossed his path. This lead to a very lonely existance, and he eventually spiraled into (more) madness and took his own life when he tried to attack his reflection in a wall-sized mirror, which fell upon him.

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