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Cataclysmic Bluont
The most Cataclysmic of all Bluonts old and new, and the only Bluont which has ever been invisible, the Cataclysmic Bluont was the most epic of the three sections (the other two being The Shield and The Sickle) that the world was broken into by the Eldritch Rift in 10,345. Epic only begins to describe how epic this worldpiece is, but surely the proper amount of imagination can be applied to properly gauge its epic-ness.
Harbinger Portent, not knowing of the Cataclysmic Bluont, did not use his amazing power to rejoin it when he rejoined the other two pieces of the world. Being secret, where it is and how to get there is, as of yet, unrevealed, although its existance was mentioned during Book 8 of The Elemenstor Cycle.
Without revealing the direct means of transportation, Enseven Illibar managed to leave the Bluont. Through him we get our first real glimpses of the Willestrian society that exists beyond the Rift.
The information is very limited, addressing almost exclusively the Vermillion Forum Culvert, its resident Chaotician Gemmerach-dancers, and the mysterious artifact Gemmerach Prime.
Comments (5)
Anonymous said
at 3:35 pm on Jul 6, 2006
This reason given why cataclysmic bluont was not rejoined is inconsistent with the "The Unsundering" page.
Anonymous said
at 6:43 pm on Jul 6, 2006
Good point. Does anyone remember whether the reason for the Bluont being not Unsundered was that Portent forgot about it or that Char got him just as he was going to Unsunder it? My memory is hazy on this one.
Anonymous said
at 10:13 pm on Jul 6, 2006
the "fact" that harbinger portent was "just about to unsunder the bluont" before being betrayed seems to be only a revisionist version of the truth at best, given that the only appearances of this explaination in the text are made by adults to small children.
Anonymous said
at 10:13 pm on Jul 6, 2006
for instance in book 2 when heeroh is tucking in asana
Anonymous said
at 6:37 pm on Jul 7, 2006
That may be true. I will have to look into it more.
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