
Cheese Barons of Middleclang

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

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Cheese Barons of Middleclang


The Cheese Barons of Middleclang are a powerful cabal of wealthy landowners and merchants from Middleclang. Originally the Cheese Barons were organized to protect the secret that Middleclang Hurg cheese actually came from Ardelburg and not Middleclang. After the brutal slaughter of many would be whistle blowers via application of Ol' Smashmouth's Unfeasibly Strong Cheddar, a cheese that has been banned in most civilized lands, it was none other than the astute tongue and nose of Madame Daft and her Hellpoodle Snukums that discovered the Barons dark secret and informed the world.


Middleclang was devastated by the loss fo its prestige which it had earned and by the loss of The College of Elemenstoration, which teleported to a new locale after the discovery. The Cheese Barons used their considerable wealth to buy up most of the land in Middleclang, whose prices had dropped astrolonomically. Now this shadow organization uses its control of most of the land in Middleclang to force bars, restaurants and stores to only sell cheeses bought from and approved by the Cheese Barons. While these cheeses are usually of average quality, several types of cheeses have been banned by the Barons making it a wise decision to avoid Middleclang for any connisuer or purveyor of fine cheeses.

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