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Crossing the Great Grasslands
Is the first part of a nine book cycle, and the title of the cycle itself set up to follow Tycho Brahe's Epic cycle and achieve the fantastic popularity and literary acclaim the previous series generated. However, the writing lacked Brahe's flawless touch, and the plot was contrived (to say the least!), thus never allowing the series to draw to a close. The second was published in the same book as Crossing the Great Grasslands, in such small type at the back as to be illegible, in the second printing. Beyond that, no books were ever published and, as of writer Nikola Tesla's death, nobody knows how the story even ends. Tesla's death was not noticed for nine months, until a woman sprang her plan to claim he was the father of her child, only to discover he had been dead for the entire time she was pregnant. Nothing other than this and the fact that everything described about him is a blatant attempt to recreate Tycho Brahe is known. Indeed, this series has been referred to as the least important series in the entire canon; so low that even a few hardcore fans (hardcore translating to elitist, depending on one's perspective) have claimed The Wizbits superior to it, something that it was said would never happen with anything.
The story concerns no less than fifty-seven great warriors, undefeatable by anyone not in their party, navigating the titular grasslands in The Kingdom of Parsonya. The northern grasslands are inhabited by minotaur, but the single encounter with them ended in less than a page, due to the greatness of the sixty-or-so great warriors. Thus, most of the conflict in the book was centered around the fact that most of the warriors resembled characters from the Pen and Paper RPG who had been minmaxed, and thus had no skills beyond combat. Eleven had died by the end of the fourth day because, not only were they traveling in circles, but some had not had the foresight to bring water, stating that it "grew on trees back home" as they died.
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The Adventures of Isaac and Raven Episode 004
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Hero16superfan | This article was obviously written by mud kings. Grasslanders make up a fair percentage of any con I've attended. |
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