
Crystalcrown Chronicles

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

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Crystalcrown Chronicles

by Paul Thompson



Released in November of 2002, Crystalcrown Chronicles was an effort to explore the near end of the ELotH timeline based on sparse existing references within the canon cycle and the thumbnail sketches of characters only present in the CCG.


The result was the best source of information and narrative available about the events of The Ending Times, although unfortunately this era did not particularly excite most fans of the 13 novel series as it contained few of the places and characters featured prominently in that series, given the 16,500 year lapse between stories. Notably at least 6 of the fans of the CCG were quoted as being extremely pleased by the book.


The ending of the book is intentionally vague and ends with the infamous betrayal. Several fan works have attempted to extend the story beyond this point but most have been poor attempts that have not gained much of a following within the community.







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timthe battle at the end of this book is I believe the setting for the final issue of the ELotH comic book, A Parting of Ways.

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