
Cutter Glade

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Cutter Glade


Cutter Glade is a character of the ElemenstorLance novels, featured most prominently in the sixth volume, The Dawn of Unlight's Setting, Part 2: Victory's Deathknell. He was the meanest Mean Elf warrior around. However, no-one appreciated him for his skills with the crossbow, his fancy belt, or his diminutive stature. They chose to think of him as some kind of musical fairy-man, who had a brilliant ear for music. This being untrue, Cutter protested belligerently when he was immortalized in a statue of polished ruby at The Incredibly Spectacular Ceremony of the End of the Unlight War, tuning a Swordtar. Drawing on S'yrf'yl the Immortal in a jealous rage, he managed to stab himself in the heart eight times before getting kicked off of the floating ceremony platform into the peasant throng below by Quailheart.


"What do you mean I'm 'a little bit sharp'? Oh. I get it. Well, I guess I'll see you guys later. I guess you don't want me to keep fighting with my self-esteem so battered. I guess I'll just give up right here in the throng of this heated battle, will I? You cock bastards."


--from The Dawn of Unlight's Setting, Part 2: Victory's Deathknell

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