Dark Wecrets

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Japanese Version

Dark Wecrets


The Wizbits, Episode 103

Aired 28 November, 1999



When Zula mistakes Lander's Living Journal of Ashengray for a first edition of Mother Nancy's Fancy Cookbook, she unleashes a horde of the strange beings born of the Shadowdark Secret. Forced to defend themselves, The Wizbits and their Familiars sunder the grim brood -- only to discovered that their victory has enraged a far greater foe... LORD KINLO!



Zula: Today I took something of Lander's without asking, and all kinds of bad things happened.

Lander: You should always ask permission before borrowing things. Or at least keep the person from finding out you took it.



After this episode's American premiere, rumors began to circulate that Kinlo was voiced by Actor Jamie Farr, best known for his portrayal of Maxwell Q Klinger on the 70s TV show MASH. To this day, this rumor has neither been confirmed nor denied by the production company. Jamie Farr has reportedly refused to comment.


Cast and Crew


Written by

Hal Burton


Directed by

Cassie Bloomfeld


Tie-in Merchandize



This is the first, and most infamous, Lord Kinlo episode


Although Lord Kinlo never met the Wizbits in the more "adult" fluff that backs up the ELotH:TES series, this episode is tolerated by most because his essence is captured so well. Many of us borderline Kinloboys think of it as being no more ridiculous than the crossovers that occur in other fantasy universes! -Edcrab