Death in the Family: A Very Special Wizbits

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Japanese Version

Death in the Family: A Very Special Wizbits


The Wizbits, Episode 212

Aired 26 November, 2000



In this episode, MooMaa returns with a vengance as Bladeweaver Moo Maa. As the Wizbits enjoy some time in the city, Moo Maa blazes a devastating trail, seeking his old foes. Rather than face all of them at once, Bladeweaver Moo Maa isolates and strikes at them, spreading his damage amongst the reuinted, yet frustratingly separated, Wizbits.


The episode reaches a tragic head when Moo Maa locates Amberberry en route to facing Lander with a mind-controlled Skip. Amber attempts to convince him of the goodness in his own heart, and, in a cruel moment, is struck down effortlessly by Bladeweaver Moo Maa's blades.


The final battle of the episode exhibits just how exhilarating the action scenes in Wizbits can be, and provide a satisfying cord of vengeance against Moo Maa's evil act.



Skip: Well, sometimes people die terrible grotesque deaths at the hands of your most unspeakable enemies. You know what I like to do when that happens? Borrow a straight razor and enjoy some time alone with me, myself, and my wrists. Try it, kids!








Cast and Crew


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Directed by





I'm pretty sure it was Amberberry who met her end in this ep--or did they call her something else and just reuse her character model?


...I knew I got the song wrong. Thanks for correcting. -Jute Mill