

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago

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Bogyn's Nastiness Rating: 44 (Horrifically Nasty)

Creature Families: Menoid, Aquatic, Chimeric


One of the three races descended from Zonard (see also Halfmen). Known for their vicious nature, Dolphinthropes, (once a peaceful cattle* race and now twisted by the nefarious powers of Dark Elemenstation), take the acute intelligence for which any normal, right-thinking dolphin is famed and turn it into a dark and evilicious cunning.


Feared across all the land for their relentless savagery and ability to breathe above water, the Dolphinthropes were finally quelled - along with their terrible cohorts, the Chthonic Swinemen and the Homo Canii - by magnificently mighty High Elemenstor Noddy Chillbreezey in Book 9. To put a stop to the vicious half-men's mammalian fury, Noddy was forced to utilize forbidden powers from the farthest reaches of the Elmether. Soon after, the caterwauling music of the forgotten elements he had used drove him insane, and he committed an extremely distasteful suicide.


Even after Noddy's great sacrifice, tribes and encampments of Dolphinthropes, as well as both other races created by Zonard, exist scattered around the wilds and cave systems of Battal. Most notably, a brutal tribe of Dolphinthropes has been is residence in the city of Teisti on The Sickle. Although no longer a great threat to the civilized races of the world, the creatures retain every last bit of their smouldering hatred for humanity, and Elemenstors in particular. They are a great threat to any and all travellers, and should be avoided at all costs. However, if you should happen to come across a carcass, Dolphinthrope meat is still just as juicy and delicious as those who remember their time as livestock will surely recall. Mother Nancy's Fancy Cookbook faithfully retains the recipe from ages past.


* (more like tuna actually)

Comments (3)

Anonymous said

at 7:17 pm on Aug 6, 2007

Should Races be on the Creatures List?

K said

at 7:23 pm on Aug 6, 2007

Kind of a judgment call... with the other halfmen races, I think the argument was that they are generic "cannon fodder." I think the primary distinction is whether they organize societies and have a unique culture. Halfmen are all mostly "henchman" races (with the notable exception of the Zonardians), good for building armies but not having much in the way of a unique culture... but admittedly it's hard to make the distinction so in some cases they might appear on both lists just for completeness.

Anonymous said

at 7:27 pm on Aug 6, 2007

Okay sounds good.

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