
Dommelham Gentral

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

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Dommelham Gentral




The last great Giant blacksmith, Dommelham Gentral is responsible for forging the Weapons of the Elements for Brothic Gandlebar which he used in the Great War of Magiks and Things. Dommelham was not your typical Giant as he had the ability to move back and forth between the FaeriWraithe Lands and Battal at will. Some have attributed this curious ability to being the lover of Nykie Jushduit, one of the Buxom Succubi of Darkrend Mountain. Apparently Nykie liked him so much that she gave him the ability to move back and forth at will in order to visit her whenever he wanted. Dommelham apparently liked the FaeriWraithe Lands as he built a residence/forge there in the mountains adjacent to The Lonely Lagoon Minor, one of the Rivers of the Sword, which are named the Karyxian Mountains. Darkrend Mountain is adjacent to his home for easy access. It was here that he forged the Weapons of the Elements using the unique nature of the FaeriWraithe Lands to make weapons of truly epic stature.


Dommelham survived the Great War of Magiks and Things by retreating to the FaeriWraithe Lands at the end of the war. There he stayed happily forging and enjoying the company of Nykie until The Unsundering occurred. It is at this time that Nykie was flung to Battal and in the process forgets her past. Dommelham having grown to love the succubus went to Battal and searched for his lost love during the chaos of the Century of Fire. After many run ins with the forces of Char Reyarteb he found Nykie and her companions fighting off a horde of War Men led by Great High General Warchieftain P'zulG'NaT who had been stalking Nykie ever since the end of the Siege of Arkleaf. Dommelham stormed into the horde and with the help of Nykie and her compatriots obliterated the horde. During the battle Dommelham faced off with P'zulG'NaT and managed to kill his foe in epic combat with the aid of Nykie who distracts the Warchieftain.


After the battle Nykie and Dommelham return to the FaeriWraithe Lands and Nykie became Dommelham's bride in exchange for him saving her from death. After some time Dommelham heard of the deeds of Lord Quintak Hoch and his Item Law Makers Guild. Fearful that Quintak would destroy his creations he joined up with the Falchion Faction after Welregar of Ebonshire and Lady B'gt'ts visited him in the FaeriWraithe Lands to gain his support. After a long ardous journey to Great Stronghold of Anhelm the Faction managed to erase the memory of Quintak but at the same time erased their own recent past. Dommelham then returned home confused about what had just happened.



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