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Though The Last Ones are distinctly atypical of Minotaur (by the standards of The Mainworld, there is nothing more odd, unique, curious, disgusting, fascinating (etc) than their holy avatars, the Duruds.


Origin of Durudism


In accordance with their interpretation of Minotaur Cosmology, The Last Ones abandoned the ways of the forgettening and the path of the Shaman in order to pursue knowledge. This led to the development of the... well... unique field of study that is Minotaur Technology. However, as the great bipedal bovines increased the relative sharpness of their minds they nonetheless felt a great emptiness within. Their scientific and scholarly pursuits often turned out to be fruitless, erroneous... or simply without meaning. They had lost something truly visceral that called to them.


The four stomachs of a Minotaur are a great asset to them, allowing them to digest even the most rough and unpalatable of plant materials. However, their ability in digestion does not end there, for any material that enters their stomachs becomes digested to the point of absorbtion, with often dramatic results. Perhaps the best-known example of this is Bloodlustiness. The drinking of blood can turn even the most passive of Minotaur into a hooved slaughterhouse bent on the destruction of anything in its path.


Naturally, the inquisitive minds of the most intelligent of The Last Ones began to wonder: "Much can be gained by drinking blood, something that we would normally never eat. What if we ate... other things that we're not supposed to eat?" This simple question would evolve over time into the most serious of spiritual searches for true knowledge.


Durudic Philosophy and Practice


Duruds provide the link with nature that is vital to the meaningful existence of the Minotaur. They have an intimate knowledge and understanding of the plants and animals of Zonardia, and are connected deeply to the changing seasons and the transformations of the ever-shifting landscape. At first, they sound much like a Shaman. But their power comes not from forgetfullness, communion with Mighty Taur, nor even the power of their Herd. The power of the Durud lies first and foremost with eating.


When a young member of The Last Ones seems to be both serious of mind, pure of heart, and great of appetite, he is apprenticed to an Eldar Durud, and immediately taught the core tenets of his people's faith, known as The Four Stomachs of Truth



Zonardian Sociologists have described Durudic practice as somewhat of a "cross between an ascetic pilgrimage, pantheistic animism, and an eating contest." A Durud spends most of his life wandering throughout Zonardia, consuming as much of what he comes across as possible, so as to increase his innate knowledge (and occasionally gain extraordinary powers).


Role in Minotaur Society


Though much time is spent wandering, a Durud cannot forget the primacy of his mission to help his fellow Minotaur. On those occasions when his wandering brings him near the Herd, he has many special roles to play (many of which replace those that were previously fulfilled by a Shaman).


Everyday Events


Science and Knowledge






One might expect that wandering around in the wilderness for months at a time eating anything in his way would give Duruds a somewhat wild or primal appearance. In fact, this is only the tip of the iceberg.


It is common for eating to bring about physical changes in the body of a Durud that can last anywhere from minutes to years. The risky diet of Durudic practices tends to lead to massive and sometimes frightening deformities (aside from the chronic "Durud Gut" caused by swelling of the ruminant stomachs). For example... the Eldar Durud Dunghoof was described as standing over eleven feet tall, having bony protrusions as well as mushrooms growing through his shaggy mane, great moose antlers sprouting from his head, long gorilla-like arms and red glowing eyes that shown above a maw of sharp, black-stained teeth.


Duruds often experience significant mental or psychological effects from their spiritual consumption, and are said to often exhibit strange speech or behavior patterns to match their strange appearance.


The Great Reseating

During this great world-changing event in the year 35,700 Duruds were among the only Minotaur to venture to the Mainworld, mostly to see what there was to eat. The rest of the Zonaridian Minotaur, particularly their top Astronomolists and Sciencemanceters believed that what awaited was only a hellish barren wasteland. Ambitious (but mostly hungry) Duruds like Dunghoof and Mruh made the pilgrimage to the Mainworld in order to further their knowledge and spread the understanding of the universe to other beings who might not know the ways of the Durud.


They were surprised not only to discover that the Mainworld had not been destroyed by the wrath of Massive Cowfall, but that Minotaur still lived upon it... though they seemed a bit dazed and stupid, save for the brightest of their Shaman and Chieftains. The Duruds heralded a brief though significant new age, during which a few of the Great Herds embraced the ways of Durudism and Minotaur Technology. The bovine giants rose and flexed their shaggy muscles against many a foul dog-like enemy, most notably the Quilp, whose slaughter of cows had long been considered a great scourge upon the Plains (See Elemenstorlance: The Book of Fallen Skies)


The Eldar Durud Dunghoof also discovered that Dim Elves (partially due to a previously-undiagnosed physical feature, multiple stomachs) had an innate knack for the practice of Durudism. This knack had been essentially undiscovered for tens of thousands of years due to the fact that the Dim Elf diet is so incredibly bland and unadventurous. Dunghoof ordained many Dim Elves as Duruds, which formed a great bond between the two races until the End of Days... which, in the grand scheme of things, wasn't very long at all.


Dim Elves didn't necessarily make the best of Duruds. Their total lack of Epic behavior didn't always lend itself to, say, eating a bundle of Heartwood branches washed down with Cockatrice blood just to see what happens. But more importantly, due to their relatively small stature and thin dermal tissues, they were quite susceptible to particularly nasty side-effects to spiritual consumption, including massive gastrointestinal distress... followed by exploding. Regardless, the Duruds of the Dim Elves became a powerful force to be reckoned with, and gave great stength to the Minotaur, particularly during the Siege of Quilpopolis. Even so... they were still Dim Elves, and their alliance with Minotaur became yet another reason for the rest of the Elves to sneer at them, reclassify them as Sly Elves, or just continue to be jerks to them.


The most famous of Dim Elf Duruds was the ferocious Wildmane, first of the Dire Dim Elf Duruds, and one of the only Dim Elves (or Sly Elves, depending upon your view) to ever make an indelible mark upon the smirking face of history.


Durudic Plant Interactions

Most of the plant effects listed below are of a temporary nature, but can last anywhere from hours to years depending upon the amount eaten.

Plant NamePhysical EffectsMental EffectsPowers/Abilities
Blueball BellsAbdominal swellingVigorous AlivenessMild Life Elemenstation
Burning BushRapid Hair GrowthMeditativeness, Hearing voicesTemporary Water Elemenstation
ChickentreeFeathersAnxietyAvian communications
DeadwoodShedding, SpasmsTemporary SiezuresTemporary Death Elemenstation
Explosive Swampgas CabbageGlowing EyesHallucinationsFire Elemenstation
FauxthornSpiky/Thorny Growths/HornsAnger, HostilityPower to command roots/vines
FireflowersWhite/Orange FurUncontrollable GigglingThrowing Fireballs
Long-Term Commitment FernAbdominal SwellingDepressionIncreased Size
Mace TulipLarge Hands/HoovesAgressivenessStronger bones/hooves/hair
RockflowerThickened SkullStupor, ClumsinessTeleportation
Suggestive Coconut TreeExtra HornsAggressiveIncreased Stamina
Tame BearsBlurred VisionHyperactivityIncreased Speed, Strength
Telltale TreeFatiguePensiveness, WistfulnessIncreased Intelligence
WigglyfernSymbiotic Plant GrowthsAttention DefecitsLatent Stream Elemenstation
Xmas TreeAntlersFestiveness, JollinessStealth, Agility
Zonardian Flying FungusIncreased SizeStrong IntuitionLevitation
Zonardian Giant MushroomSymbiotic Fungal GrowthEuphoriaPlant Communications



asuraFound plant interactions. Will add meat/blood chart later.