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Elemental Classifation Chart

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

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Elemental Classification System

also refer to the Complete List.




As any devoted fan of the ELotH and its various incarnations knows, the importance of Elements cannot be underestimated... and there's really a whole lot of them and they're hard to keep track of. As such, their classification is quite a tricky thing to manage. This is one two-dimensional representation of the hyperprismic derivations of the various types of elements.


Please note that this system only tracks inner and outer elements. This is to say nothing of the inner middling and outer middling elements, of which there are very, very many.


Organization of the Elements


As everyone knows (or should), there are five main Elemental Types:

  • Primary
    • Primary elments are points of the Primary Prism (such as Air, AAA)
    • Primary elements are always considered to be "face" (exterior) prism elements.
  • Secondary
    • Secondary elments are points of the Secondary Prism (such as Blood, BBB)
    • Secondary elements are always considered to be "face" (exterior) prism elements.
  • Tertiary
    • Tertiariy Elements are lines drawn between the aforementioned points of a prism. Though they have an independent and intrinsic nature, they are still strongly tied to their associated Primary or Secondary Element.
    • Depending upon the prism, they are classified as either Prime Tertiaries(if they are defined by relationship to the Primary Elements) or Ancillary Tertiaries (in the case of Secondary Elements)
    • Tertiary elements may also be further differentiated as to whether they are a "face" (such as Lightning, AAW, which is the line of the prism drawn between Air and Water) or "interior" (such as Dust, AAE, which is the line of the prism drawn between Air and Earth) element
  • Quarternary
    • Quarternary Elements do not exist independently, as do the Primary Elements and their octahedric hypercongruent counterparts, the Secondary Elements.
    • Quarternary Elements are triangular planes of the hyperprism, with the points of the triangle being the three elements of their codon.
    • Quarternary elements may also be further differentiated as to whether they are a "face" (UnWA, Black Ice, can be thought of as the face of the prism formed by the three points of its codon, and is there fore a "Primary Face Quarternary) or "interior" (EAF, Ash, a "Prime Interior Quarternary) element.
  • Quinternary
    • Quinternary elements are not a part of this system because no self-respecting Elemenstor has anything to do with them. Those that utilise these elements tend to have their own theories about how they fit into the grand scheme of things. These theories are invariably retarded.



All elements are classified (and some would argue constituted) by a three-element codon.


In this system, all Elements are composed of three of the six Primary (for the Primary Quarternaries) or Secondary (for the Secondary Quarternaries) Elements. These units are called the Prixon, Doxon, and Trixon. Primary or Secondary Elements are "Pure" and thus all elements of the codon are identical. Elements containing two identical elements in the codon are Tertiary. And finally, those with a codon that contains no identical elements is a Quarternary.


What follows are several tables of the elements derived from both Primary and Secondary hyperprisms. Please refer to the pictoral chart at the end in order to achieve maximum confusion.


Primary Prism Elements


The Unspeakxta

UsUsUsPrimaryThe Unspeakable
UsUsEPrime Tertiary Face
UsUsAPrime Tertiary Face
UsUSFPrime Tertiary Face
UsUsWPrime Tertiary FaceYorine
UsUsUnPrime Tertiary Interior


The Unearxta / The Earunxta

UsEUsPrime Tertiary FacePolished Brass Towel-Holders
UsEEPrime Tertiary FaceCopper and Ceramic Tubs
UsEAPrime Quarternary Interior
UsEFPrime Quarternary FaceSword element
UsEWPrime Quarternary FaceVernynut-glue
UsEUnPrime Quarternary InteriorXoil


The Unairxta / The Aeirunxta

UsAUsPrime Tertiary Face
UsAEPrime Quarternary InteriorCheese
UsAAPrime Tertiary Face
UsAFPrime Quarternary FaceFlags
UsAWPrime Quarternary Face
UsAUnPrime Quarternary InteriorConfusion


The Unfirxta / The Fierunxta

UsFUsPrime Tertiary Face
UsFEPrime Quarternary InteriorMauve
UsFAPrime Quarternary Exterior
UsFFPrime Tertieary FaceNed
UsFWPrime Quarternary InteriorAlcohol
UsFUnPrime Quarternary Interior


The Unwexta / The Wetunxta

UsWUsPrime Tertiary Face
UsWEPrime Quarternary Exterior
UsWAPrime Quarternary Face
UsWFPrime Quarternary Interior
UsWWPrime Tertiary Face
UsWUnPrime Quarternary Interiorfrozen pee



EEUsPrime Tertiary FaceJessicstan
EEAPrime Tertiary FaceRystran
EEFPrime Tertiary FaceMeteoric Iron
EEWPrime Tertiary FaceIyorn
EEUnPrime Tertiary FaceSilverstone


Eairxta / Aeirearxta

EAUsPrime Quarternary Interior
EAEPrime Tertiary Interior
EAAPrime Tertiary Interior
EAFPrime Quarternary InteriorAsh
EAWPrime Quarternary Interior Wicca
EAUnPrime Quarternary Interior


Eafixta / Fiearxta

EFUsPrime Quarternary Face
EFEPrime Tertiary FaceLead Plumbing
EFAPrime Quarternary Interior
EFFPrime Tertiary FaceCeramic Tile
EFWPrime Quarternary InteriorCardboard
EFUnPrime Quarternary Face


Ewexta / Wearxta

EWUsPrime Quarternary Facepeanut
EWEPrime Tertiary Face
EWAPrime Quarternary Interior
EWFPrime Quarternary InteriorWood
EWWPrime Tertiary Face
EWUnPrime Quarternary FaceRoots


Earulnxta / Unlearxta

EUnUsPrime Quarternary InteriorMeat
EUnEPrime Tertiary Face
EUnAPrime Quarternary Interior
EUnFPrime Quarternary FaceHash Element
EUnWPrime Quarternary FaceTripe Element
EUnUnPrime Tertiary Face



AAUsPrime Tertiary Face
AAEPrime Tertiary InteriorDust
AAFPrime Tertiary Face
AAWPrime Tertiary Face
AAUnPrime Tertiary Face


Aeirfixta / Fiaeirxta

AFUsPrime Quarternary Face
AFEPrime Quarternary Interior
AFAPrime Tertiary Face
AFFPrime Tertiary Face
AFWPrime Quarternary InteriorLightning
AFUnPrime Quarternary Face


Aeirwexta / Waeirxta

AWUsPrime Quarternary FaceSight
AWEPrime Quarternary InteriorSense
AWAPrime Tertiary FaceTouch
AWFPrime Quarternary InteriorTaste
AWWPrime Tertiary FaceSound
AWUnPrime Quarternary FaceFribulous


Aeirunlxta / Unlaeirxta

AUnUsPrime Quarternary InteriorHap
AUnEPrime Quarternary InteriorJoy
AUnAPrime Tertiary FaceSorrow
AUnFPrime Quarternary FaceLove
AUnWPrime Quarternary FaceHate
AUnUnPrime Tertiary Face



FFUsPrime Tertiary Face
FFEPrime Tertiary Face
FFAPrime Tertiary Face
FFWPrime Tertiary Interior
FFUnPrime Tertiary Face


Firwexta / Wexfirxta

FWUsPrime Quarternary Interior
FWEPrime Quarternary InteriorWhite Water
FWAPrime Quarternary InteriorSteam
FWFPrime Tertiary Interior
FWWPrime Tertiary Interior
FWUnPrime Quarternary Interior


Firunlxta / Unflixta

FUnUsPrime Quarternary InteriorHats Element
FUnEPrime Quarternary Face
FUnAPrime Quarternary Face
FUnFPrime Tertiary Face
FUnWPrime Quarternary Interior
FUnUnPrime Tertiary FaceLighting



WWUsPrime Tertiary Face
WWEPrime Tertiary Face
WWAPrime Tertiary Face
WWFPrime Tertiary Interior
WWUnPrime Tertiary Face


Weunlxta / Unwelxta

WUnUsPrime Quarternary Interior
WUnEPrime Quarternary FaceBrine Element
WUnAPrime Quarternary FaceBlack Ice
WUnFPrime Quarternary Interior
WUnWPrime Tertiary Face
WUnUnPrime Tertiary Face



UnUnUsPrime Tertiary Interior
UnUnEPrime Tertiary Face
UnUnAPrime Tertiary Face
UnUnFPrime Tertiary Face
UnUnWPrime Tertiary Face


Secondary Prism Elements


The Liftxta

LLHAncillary Tertiary Facecholer
LLCAncillary Tertiary Facephlegm
LLSAncillary Tertiary FaceChloro
LLDAncillary Tertiary Interiormelancholy
LLBAncillary Tertiary Faceblood (biological element)


The Carrixta



Note - this is all I could fill out before bedtime, but you can get the general idea from the chart below, if you are not too infused with the Quarternary Element Confusion by now. Feel free to contribute and fill in as necessary, otherwise I'll do it little by little.


2-Dimensional Elemental Chart


Below is a chart illustrating one layout of the combinations. Note that colors of Element groups match according to their hyperprismic congruence.



Note that Primary and Secondary Elemental Codons are in bold, Tertiaries are in Italic and Quarternaries are in plain text. At some point I may have to gussy up the chart a bit to make it easier to read. ~asura



Source Material


Taken from chapter 8 of Bjorn Z. Madsen's seminal 1998 work, "Fictional Grand Unifying Theories", the same publication that gave us the octahedric hyperprism hypothesis



Wow... certainly a very impressive undertaking to put all this together. You know as soon as Madsen published FGUT he began working on the second edition. It wasn't until a year later when his publisher informed him that only 177 copies of the first edition ever sold that he realized there would be no second edition. Copies of his revised chapter 8 float around on the internet, although its unclear which versions would have been his finished work, if any.


Summary of the Revised Elemental Classification

I don't believe that a revised chart was ever drawn up, but here is the theory:

Elements actually are defined by coordinates in four dimensional space, which makes the definition of primary and secondary elements much more straight forward. Primary elements are a point (all coordinates being the same), secondary elements exist in the first three coordinates of a primary element, and the fourth coordinate being the secondary element, therefor secondary elements are lines. Tertiary elements have three different coordinates and are defined as planes, and quarternary consist of four unique elements (all primary or secondary) and define hyperplanes. For most quarternary elements the fourth point (called the clinch) is unspeakable and is not mentioned in its description.


Quinary elements have four unique elements but one or more of them may be some combination of Blood, Heart, or Unlight and are considered non-canon.


Under this system Water is W,W,W,W and Life is W,W,W,L.



The conversion of the original chart would probably be pretty simple because for primary elements you just repeat the element, for seconary you prepend a primary element, for tertiary you repeat the dominant element, and for quarternary you add Us.


Just as a note to the other conntributors using the documentation in Finnish, In English the series of words desribing the order of phenomenon is primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, quinary, senary, septenary, octonary, nonary, denary
Actually, I've seen both quarternary and quaternary in source RPG material (I believe that quaternary is now preferred, but like celcius and centigrade you will still see the terms used interchangably). -Tim edit: I think that senary, septenary, octonary, nonary, denary (as well as the much maligned canary elements) are all pretty theoretical.
The version that is posted here is also fourth dimensional, in that it holds to the theory that the Primary Hyperprism and Secondary Hyperprism are the same prism in different dimensions. This fourth-dimensional relationships is shown in the colors that display the hypercongruent (occupy the same position on the prism in different dimension) elements on each prism) relationships between the Prime and Ancillary Elements (for example: Blood and Unlight in this theory are hypercongruent). Apparently this thought has been handled differently for the revised chart. ~ asura
This is all well and good, but where does Wrack (UnUsB) fit in? There's no way here to make combinations of primary and secondary elements, which the existance of Wrack would certainly imply is possible for a quaternary element, and for that matter the six tertiary elements shown on Bjorn Z. Madsen's illustration in octahedric hyperprism hypothesis (Binding, Feeding, Driving, Still, Destroying, and Forcing) clearly demonstrate this property for tertiary elements. Anyway, there appears to be a third category of element besides Prime and Ancillary. I propose the prefix "Trans" (i.e. "Trans-Tertiary"), since these elements have edges that cross between the primary and secondary prisms. --5thEarth
Just so I'm clear on this: from what I've read, it would seem that the "middling" elements are the aforementioned "Trans" elements, inner middling elements having lines between their constituent points that pass through one of the Primary/Secondary octahedrons (AEH, UnUsB), and outer middling elements avoiding such passage (AWL, UnFD). Does anyone have any material to confirm or deny this hypothesis? - Cuncuxna
That's my understanding too. If you can find a copy of the aforementioned Madsen (1998), it's discussed on pages 56 and 57. Due to a printing error these pages were stuck together on many copies, which has added to the confusion about the nature of the middling elements. Even so, Madsen discusses what middling elements are, but notes that there are such a ridiculous abundance of them that he did not have adequate means to develop a classification chart for them in book form. Maybe someday an ambitious fan might develop some sort of 4-dimensional interactive flash animation that would allow us to enter any three points on the hyperprisms and be given proper codification and name of the element... well, we can dream anyway. ~asura

Comments (6)

Anonymous said

at 6:05 pm on Feb 12, 2006

in the rpg quaternaries are points, not planes

Anonymous said

at 5:58 am on Feb 13, 2006

well, i suppose if the rpg had tried to adhere to the octahedric hyperprism hypothesis and its various derivatives, it would've been unplayable... er... MORE unplayable.

Anonymous said

at 8:00 am on Feb 14, 2006

best. page. ever.

Tim said

at 11:52 pm on Aug 3, 2006

correlating this page with the complete list would be quite a task

Anonymous said

at 11:56 pm on Aug 3, 2006

We had the same thought at the same time... freaky.

Tim said

at 9:37 pm on Aug 4, 2006

ok I think I built a list that says if if exists on the other page or not...
I don't exactly know where should I put it and how I should format it..

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