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Extremely Elf
One of the noble races of Elves.
Of all the races of Battal, the one kind of elf that needs no introduction is the Extremely elf. Posessed of prominent pointy ears (shaped much like palm leaves and jutting out horizontally) that tend to move like a cat's when the Extremely elf expresses him/herself, it is near impossible to mistake Extremely elves for anything else.
As for personality... uh, they're pretty elven. No doubt. Even their names are both extremely elfin and extremely long. Most Extremely Elves abbreviate their names to one another using short contractions (such as K'los and I'den), though when speaking among each other in their native language, much display is made of the proper and eloquent pronunciation of one another's names.
Definately the most envied Elven race of The Completely Ordinary Non-Elves.
I'den was an Extremely elf in the ELotH comic book.
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