

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 10 months ago

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One of the Four Underdogs that attempted to defeat Char Reyarteb and MooMaa in Book 4.


Hailing from the Village of Lesser Saltmarsh, on the outskirts of The Baren Swamplands of Yore, Fanta is the daughter of a Butcher. At and early age she discovered that she had the gift of Air Elemenstation (she was a Wiffle), when she plucks the perfect rubian from the Dream Tree in the middle of town. Her parents were very supportive. Although she had no formal training, her powers were allowed to develop naturally. And develop they did.


Her life was a simple, but happy one until the fierce Pictoratice stormed out from the barren swamp and rampaged through the village. Many were killed and Fanta's father was dragged off into the swamps, despite her attempts to stop the beast. From that day forward her life was transformed. She vowed to grow stronger and someday seek revenge on the Pictoratice.


She set out, leaving her mother to mourne alone and headed east along the old trails. Many adventures later she found herself at the mercy of pack of hungry Seeping Knawers in the Ruins of Blee. Just when things looked their darkest, a good looking 20-something younge man with a mop of unruly brown hair lept over a crumbling wall and subdued the beasts.


After Fanta has recovered from her shock he introduced himself as Lander Phoenixsong and the two soon became fast friends.


Travelling together they met up with two other Elemenstors who became their travelling companions. All the while Fanta was learning the craft of Elemenstation from the formally schooled Lander and her powers increased exponentially.


Eventually the party was drawn up in the series of events that lead to the death of the infamous "immortal" mage Char Reyarteb at their hands.


Fantasmaphila went on to be the first Grand Elemenstor of Air.

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