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Frannie Firetongue

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 3 months ago

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Frannie Firetongue

b. 24,585

d. ???


A skilled K'thian Fire Elemenstor (a Hotblood) who graduated at the head of her class at the Cerulean Citadel.


Second in her graduating class was Pryce Lorlei, an ambitious Ice Elemenstor. Not long after graduation, Pryce issued a challenge to Frannie whom he publicly accused of cheating on the final exam at the Citadel (when in fact he had cheated).


Meeting at the appointed time at the Fortress of Unliquidatude in Ezermethalon, she becomes embroiled in a three way The Battle of Steam and Ice and Fire and also Water, which ultimately ended in the death of her Toaster Furniliar, Butters the Toaster of Small Stature but Great Courage, Frannie, along with ally Wallace Arden, formed The Steam Coalition.


Ultimately she and Wallace were married.

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