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The Fumbling Offensive (950 - 999)
The Fumbling Offensive refers to the 50 year struggle fought between the forces of Vhadxi and the Twelve Realms in the foggy swamps of The Land of Thrown Fish. The period was marked by hundreds upon hundreds of campaigns, which were all miserable failures. Time and time again, the Vampyre forces would advance, or the forces of good would counterattack, only to find that they had completely missed one another, slipped behind each other's lines, and captured the enemy camps without conflict. This back and forth went on for four dozen years, culminating in the Battle of Near Competence led by Throbald the Somewhat Addled, which ultimately led to the defeat of The Land of Thrown Fish.
This was Vhadxi's last offensive campaign before the counterassault at the Chasm of Eternal Sorrow.
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