
Fumias Humblor

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Fumias Humblor


Fumias Humblor is an historian from southern Mandleclang who lived in an unspecified time period. His/her entire mention in canon is Verse 8160 of Book 10:


In sudis Mandleclangis

Fumias Humblor schreiben sie

"The Moor in time

was its own unto?

We have seen

the small supersumed."


Most people translate this to mean that Fumias Humblor was wondering whether Pizzlemoore ('The Moor') was a kingdom unto itself in the past, and was eventually absorbed into Mandlelcang.


It is worth noting that the narrative, verse, and linguistic structure of Book 10 begin to deteriorate very rapidly in the early 8000s, and the context of this mention of Humblor and his/her theory is almost entirely indecipherable. It is also not known as to whether Humblor, if s/he ever existed, actually wrote in freeform verse or in prose like most historians. It would be interesting, historiographically speaking, to resolve that question, as well as when Humblor lived, if ever.

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