
Goldimaris Irregulars

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Goldimaris Irregulars

In the ancient lands of southern Blee, which were never absorbed by Terle, there was a small kingdom which was proud and noble. The seat of power was in a town which was built in the shadow of the base of the mighty Giant of Blee, which created the northern side of the encircling defensive wall around the city. In these lands, the traditions of the peoples of Blee were kept alive in song and tale, as well as the remaining scholars of the land who kept the precious written records of The Ancient Hopewell.


When the word that the shadow of the Vampyre Hordes had again fallen across the LandyWorld Lands a great ire was raised in the noble men of that land, who were tall and strong, and unafraid of battle. The king's youngest son, Marcus, quickly gathered together a fighting regiment to set out to join the war effort. The army gathered at the south gate of the town, clad in the blue armor of this land and wielding traditional curved scimitars, ready to march to war.


An old man stopped Marcus with a question, asking "What shall you call this assembled force? This is not a proper army of Blee."


Marcus thought of the tales of the Vampyric Wars, ancient but known to all present. "Goldimaris," he said quietly. "The Goldimaris Irregulars," then in a loud voice. Approving nods from all.


"The Goldimaris Irregulars," came the cry from the assembled men. "Hoo-ah!"


So setting forth, in the year 27,485, ready to avenge their nation sacked so long ago, they joined the Unlight War. Known for their valiance on the battlefield, they were crucial for several victories.. Including the Most Epic and Climactic Battle of the War of Unlight, although they returned to Blee before the Incredibly Spectacular Ceremony of the End of the Unlight War.

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