Great War of Minuschitae

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Great War of Minuschitae

The Great War of Minuschitae erupted after the death of Frand Burgrovitae DVIII. Krand Burgrovitae CCXCIII, Frand Burgrovitae DVIII's younger brother, was accused of assassinating the god-king and, although innocent, in self defense formed an army to defend his right of succession. The fighting mainly involved large armies of Minuschitaens meeting in an open field and yelling jokes about the opposing sides' mothers, until one group started to cry and left. Only one person, Grinda Flargbace, was killed, along with a sheep and a donkey, at the Slaughter of the Micronic Plains. Horrified at the thought of someone actually dying, the two opposing sides signed an armistice.


The war officially ended 20 Lypeta later, when it was discovered that Frand Burgrovitae DVIII had actually choked on a small, undetected matzah ball in his soup.