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Hankstrong Anonymous

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Hankstrong Anonymous


Author of a poorly recieved "Adult" world in which The Wizbits engage in crude sexual behavior, dubbed ElemensWhoring.



Little is known about him, with the exception of his photo on the dust jacket on Titillating Tales Of The Wizbits, which was later revealed to be a janitor who lived in Sacramento, California by the name of Herbert Dixby.


Hankstrong is believed to be the alter-ego of series writer Tycho Brahe, though this has not been confirmed or denied.


He is also known as Harkstrong Anonymous, but it is possible that there was a typo on the cover of TTotW



As of 12/01/2005, we still have no official word on Hankstrong/Harkstrong, but it's clear that the person who wrote this book is either dead or a fake

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