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Jorgston The Seal of Ending


30,928 - 31,015


Biographical Overview

Jorgston The Seal of Ending was born Jorgston Gif, son of a Fig Plucker in one of the southern kingdoms of The Shield. His birth in the frist Slippery Year of a new cycle and the duck shaped birthmark on his left cheek, as well as a number of other minor oddities surrounding his birth left no question that he was the fulfillment of no fewer 16 prophecies found in Tharan Prophetic Codex regarding The Ending Times, already in swing for 150 years at the time of his birth.


Modest and retiring by nature, Jorgston did not take well to being a Sign of the End of the World. His childhood as a lowly Fig Plucker's Son was made all the more difficult by his status as the Herald of The Unraveling, The Trumpet of The Shredded Land, and The Horseman of Ill Milk (In Khith, Cohoris, and Wutel texts, respectively), and this made him an easy target for bullying.


As hatred of Living Signs like himself began to mount, he devloped a strong sense of righteous indignation, and vowed to dedicate his adult life to helping those of his kind.


He founded the first Prophecy Incarnate village, Windswept Reminder, in year 30,950 (TE).