
Kohaku Nakamura

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 12 months ago

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Kohaku Nakamura


An up and coming voice actor in Japan who did the voices of Harbinger Portent/the Ocumen and Dougan Paintbrush in the 4th and 5th seasons of the hit anime ElamenSTAR. Kohaku replaced Benjiro (Ben) Sato who died after lighting himself on fire in order to ruin a kid's birthday party. First Kohaku was assigned to voice Dougan Paintbrush for Super ElamenSTAR - My name is Phila!. During this experience he acted bizarrely to the point of even having his head turn all the way around. The popular theory is the he was possessed by Ben Sato in order to test his worthiness. This rumor is supported by the fact that Kohaku began to act alot like Ben Sato during his work on the movie.


No one knows if Kohaku was still possessed in his work after the movie however it seems that at times he does the same weird things that Ben Sato did. While some have suggested that these are just the after-effects of the possession, others aren't too sure about that. The most popular theory is that Sato can posess Nakamura at will whenever he wishes to walk among mortal men - a theory supported by another popular theory stating that he speaks backwards whenever he has sex. Recently, Kohaku has done the voices of Prince Yockleblont in the game EFWQ XVI: Rebels of the Ominous Judgekings, Kafkaesque Backenstabben in the game EFWQ XIV: Legend of the Mule Queen and Beaver in EFWQ XV: Dance of the She-Priestess.


Nakamura had a few other roles before his Elemenstor-related work. Most notable is his work for the hidden camera show 'Very Good Prank Tricking of Secret Yes', in which he voiced the Judeo-Christian God and several Shinto gods. It is because of these roles that he was chosen to voice Harbinger Portent/the Ocumen. He also played the protagonist Holiov Holiz in the live-action movie of the anime Gothic Death Artifact Story.

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