
Lacquered Browniefolk

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Lacquered Browniefolk

Yar was taken aback, after all he thought that he had been standing up straight, besides he thought, who were these tiny sprites who was dressed in oily rags and came but up to the middle of his thigh? More importantly, what right did they have to lecture him about his posture.


-- ElemenstorLance novel, The Sorcerial Yar


A diminutive race of short (about 7 apples tall) earthy beings, often covered in mud or grime from living on the forest floor and never dressed in better than assembled rags gathered from discarded garments. Despite their lack of any sort of cultural grooming etiquette, the Browniefolk had many societal rules which required very straight posture, which nicely complimented their humorlessly strict demeanor.


They primarily appear as forest dwelling residents on the outskirts of the Ottoman Empire during the Spica Wars.


Lacquered Browniefolk are not to be confused with the victuals produced by Gespechio known as Heavily Lacquered Brownies.

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