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on December 7, 2005 at 2:19:41 am


After the culimination of the Great War of Minuschitae in the Slaughter of the Micronic Plains the people of Minuschitae realized that true peace and harmony could only be aquired though truly enlightened leaders. Although called kings Littleosopher-Kings were not chosen based on heredity but rather a challenge of witts. Two contenders would argue about increasingly complex and esoteric subjects until one of them suceeded in saying something so smart that it gave the other a headache.


The littleosphers lead to a golden age in Minuschitae where the arts, science and culture all reached levels beyond anything else in Battal. It is even suspected that they even realized Minuschitae's relationship to Battal.


After the arrival of Ronard's Very Large But Unenchanted Spikey Hammer and Yar the Sorcerial the Littleosopher Kings still continued to rule, however they were no longer able to maintain perfection in Minuschitae. Nothing is known of them after Yar the Sorcerial opened his portal to Battal. "The Rise and Fall of Minuschitae" actually tells us what happened post Hammer, however nobody is able to read the last 30 pages of the document. Some have even speculated that the Littlesophers went on to become the first Chronosorcellors (first in terms of causality, not time) in an attempt to save thier people.

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