
Magical Monkey King

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Magical Monkey King







Other Names

  • World's Handsomest Monkey
  • Knower of the Void
  • Sage Superior to Most Things and Equal to the Rest
  • Eternal Traveler
  • The Monkey


Known Relations

  • None



A very famous and somewhat bizarre diety whose legend began in the mountains of the Wang Kingdom, specifically Toriyama. The Magical Monkey King has many other names, including but not limited to: World's Handsomest Monkey, Knower of the Void, Sage Superior to Most Things and Equal to the Rest, the Eternal Traveler, and occasionally, simply The Monkey. His tale is essentially the story of a lazy jackass, who through trickery and cunning, eventually gets the best of the Hierarchs themselves, becoming one of their equals.


The Magical Monkey King is a spastic monkey, who actually began life as some sort of Furniliar, being a monkey statue Transchanted to life by a drunken Brickabracker. Instead of becoming a Moppet=like creature like most creatures of his ilk, the Monkey was under the delusion that he was a real and living monkey.


Desiring power, more than anything else, the Magical Monkey King sought the training of various Xtchi Masters, eventually coming under the tutalidge of Bodhi Sutra, the greatest of them all. Under the training of Bodhi Sutra, the Monkey learned many abilities relating to controlling the Air. Using his techniques, he gained the respect of the great deity, Dreemkast, who revealed to the monkey many ways of extending one's life - although Dreemkast lost this ability itself.


The Monkey King then proceeded to steal what would later be known as The Mighty and Merciless Magical Monkey King Staff from Kitalihetilaka the sea godess, who had taken up residence in the sunken region of Atlantistantinople. Kitalihetilaka did not pursue the thief, for several reasons. Mostly she didn't want any more super monkey feces flung around her undersea kingdom. The staff was very powerful, giving the Magical Monkey King the power to multiply himself, shapeshift, walk on clouds, and create Epic forcefields. However, it weighed an enormous amount, so only the Monkey could truly master using it.


The Monkey King continued his pursuit of power, eventually mastering Life Elemenstation, and several forms of Kung Foo, Ninjitsu, and Sorcery. The Magical Monkey King also used all of his powers combined to somehow steal the immortality, but not the weaknesses, of several groups of Elves and Vampyres, making him some sort of freaky super duper immortal thing.


When Kalechio attempted to give immortality to Co'ner the Bright Eyed, she had to confront the Eslovat Soul Hunters and enlisted the help of the many-talented simian. Kalechio and the Monkey were able to basically kick the collective asses of all the Eslovat at once, who also decided that they never wanted to meet the Magical Monkey King ever again, so descreetly decided to avoid him for all eternity.


The Magical Monkey King had eventually reached a level so high, that he was invited to join the Hierarchs in the highest plains of the Elmether. But his tendancy to masturbate at the drop of his hat and fling his fecees everywhere soon got him ejected and stuck under Mount Wang. It is said that one day he will be released to perform a great task that will redeem him and make him civilized, but that has yet to take place.



  • The Mighty and Merciless Magical Monkey King Staff
  • Knower of the Void
  • The Monkey

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