Minotaur Shaman

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Minotaur Shaman




The Minotaur Shaman practices a somewhat unique form of Shamanic Elemenstation, commonly defined as "powers an abilities derived from focusing and channeling the abilities of animals found in the natural world of Battal". This holds true for the Minotaur Shaman as well... but one must remember that Minotaur themselves tend to have more in common with the animals of the natural world than they do with most races that practice any form of Elemenstation. The Minotaur Shaman, therefore, also derives a great deal of his abilities from his own Herd, and repays them by using his power to the benefit of the Herd... he is absolutely integral in all aspects of life.



A Shaman's Life

Integral as his activities may be to the Herd, the Shaman is necessarily unable to be a part of it. He lives with one hoof in the mortal plane, with his other hoof adrift in many times and worlds beyond... both feared and revered by the Herd.



The Shaman is almost always male. There are a few sociological theories as to why the Shaman cannot be female, but the simplest answer is that the Minotaur place such emphasis on reproduction, that it is an abomination to purposefully remove a fertile female from the Herd. The few female Shaman there have been have always been barren.



A Minotaur cannot become a Shaman... he must be born one. The signs of a shaman are clear from his very birth. When a calf is born carrying a sign of being touched by another world, they are immediately given to the Herd Shaman for training. If the Herd Shaman already has an apprentice, the calf is taken from his mother and set loose in the wild lands to rejoin the spirits who have marked him. If the calf were allowed to stay in the herd, the ones who touched him (possibly even Mighty Taur himself, it would bring horrible consequences for ages to come. Notable signs of Shaman Birth are described below:







In the long history of the Minotaur, only one Shaman was born a horned, sharptoothed, albino dwarf, and the resultant latent power within him drove him completely insane. He was, of course, the infamous Luuu'uugh'eeeegh, who attempted to destroy the world buy invoking Cowfall upon one of Mighty Taur's Calves. He managed to breaken the Continentaworld, but was slain by Fuuuu'uuuug, chief of the Dog-Killer Herd. As Luuu'uugh'eeeegh was unkillable with weapons, the bull-chielf smashed him with a giant log, which would become a holy symbol of their herd.


A Shaman's Powers and Duties



The most often used ability of the Shaman. By being able to speak with plants, the Shaman was able to make a great variety of potions, tonics, medecines, and poisons from the land around them. The Shaman was also responsible for reading the signs of nature and informing the dominant female of the Herd when the "Planted Ones" told him it was time for the herd to move on.



The importance of speaking to his animal brothers was three-fold






Shaman were charged with overseeing the birth of Calves, to give medicine, look for signs of greatness or doom in their birth, and to make sure the mothers were not posessed by evil spirits.



One of the most important functions of the Shaman. The Shaman takes the newborn calf into his arms and takes him into the Spirit Tent. He then communes with the agents of Mighty Taur to look into the calf's future, forsee his death, and give him a name in the Minotaur Tongue which describes it. He commits the name to memory, which is not revealed until it dies. The Shaman then makes up a short one or two syllable name for convenience sake that has absolutely no meaning in the Minotaur Tongue, and this is what the Calf is called by their parents and peers for the rest of their days. (There is one exception: Shaman Calves are told their true name from the very beginning... it is considered to be their first lesson in far-seeing, and the knowledge of their death makes them fearless in battle. In the words of Hammer Lords and Shaman, Borr and Gorr: "This would be a good day to die... ...but not for us!).



When a Minotaur dies, the Shaman sits at the foot of their funeral pyre in a trance. He travels up the column of smoke with the dead to the Celestial Grasslands, where he presents them to their Minotaur Ancestors and Mighty Taur.



The Shaman has the ability to gaze far across space and time. By putting himself into a trance (usually with the aid of Vision Grass), the Shaman can look far across the miles of land or sea, high into the heavens, deep under the earth, back into the beginnings of time, or into the distant future... and even into the happenings of the far Planes. Unfortunately, the Minotaur Shaman himself has little control over that which he sees, and must depend upon his Spirit Guides to show him whatever they think he needs to see.


War Magic

The most remembered powers of the Minotaur Shaman are those he uses upon the field of battle. Some would say that the powers of nature that the Shaman are able to conjure when motivated to spill the blood of his enemy are so powerful as to never be forgotten.







Source Material


Much of what we know about Minotaur Shamanism is found in EL:TTLoG, which principally tells the story of the twin albino Hammer Lords, Borr and Gorr. The tutelage of a certain Savannah Ranger under a Shaman is also of some plot significance in EL:MtF. The information found in The Elemenstor Saga Companion is (as usual) of minimal contribution.