
Sepathok's Scythe

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

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Sepathok's Scythe


The Most notable thing about this blade is the constantly flaming inscription on the blade. The flames confer no actual benefit other than making the weapon look pretty cool.


"Sepathok rulz"


Which is actually Dwarvish for "Give me back my damn familiy."




Discussion: How could Gragnakas write "Sepathok rulz" in the blade, if he was making the swords for Selent. Sepathok collected the swords much later. For that matter why would he make a weapon named after Sepathok? Unless Sepathok is cooincidentally named after a dwarven word. There is a Bob sword right? Had the two previously met? Are we incorrect on the name of this weapon and its inscription?
Simple, timesorc'ley! Grragnakas KNEW that Sepathok would go looking for the blades, so he named this one after him, er... before him....uh, timesorc'ley!
Obvioiusly you are either in posession of incorrect facts, or fools of EPIC levels. Gragnakas was a dwarf, who could write Dwarvish, mind you, and his family was held captive by Selent. Do the Multi-Level Elemenstation.

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