
Serventis Obedientstein

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Serventis "Toad" Obedienstein


Though most people know him as Toad, the most loyal follower of the mighty Sabemb... er... Sepathok was originally known as Serventis. The only child of a stable-boy and a scullery maid, Serventis was born to serve. It is not known how he came into Sepathok's employ, but his unfailing obedience quickly endeared him to Sepathok. But for all his many virtues, Sepathok was never a patient man, and "Serventis Obedienstein" was a mouthful.


"So, henceforth, I shall call you Toadie," said Sepathok.


"Indeed, sir. You're sure my new nickname is short enough, sir?"


Sepathok stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Toadie... toadie... you know, my good man, I think you may have a point. No wonder I keep you on! I would be lost without your unflagging service. Henceforth, I shall simply call you Toad."


"Very good, sir."


--Sepathok's Desire


Although Serventis/Toad was responsible for the accidental permanent destruction of Shatter, the Glass Blade, this was his only known mistake while in Sepathok's employ. Like all good sla... er... servants, Toad was buried alive with his master's corpse. He never had any offspring (having never been ordered to do so). Several religions have since canonized Toad as a minor saint--the Epic pinnacle of peonage, as it were.

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