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Steppy Rayling


Steppy is the niece of Gavment Rayling, and appears in Book 4 of The Elemenstor Cycle as a young maiden. She spends the first half of the book trying to motivate her uncle to stop drinking and go save the world. This is especially odd, as it is shown over and over again that the precocious maiden is actually much more powerful at Fire Elemenstation than Gavment is. Nevertheless, for reasons that are never fully explained, she feels that she has to persuade Gavment to go save the world again rather than just using the Bag of the Endless Void herself.


The second half of the book is even more disturbing, as having successfully motivated Gavment to go fight Yoxor Xxar and his Doomblade, she then goes to motivate Sotar Olderndirt to defeat the War Men amassing at Wang's Peak. She then falls in love with Sotar, or at least has an affair with him. She's right there in the room when his death is announced and doesn't ever stop her annoyingly upbeat dialogue style.


Book 5 mentions that Steppy had a daughter from the affair with Sotar, whom she also named Sotara. Sotara Rayling grows up into a fine young woman who falls in love with a professor named Garbus Scrooble. Their son, Profineous, grows up to be the headmaster at Institute Of Accoutermentia. (see Headmaster Scrooble)


Her furniliar is Colonel McAllister, a Cloak Rack.


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By Rhok:




I think it's pretty obvious that Steppy is "Tycho Brahe's Grace Farnham". -Conspir-I-See


Isn't Steppy one of the Four Underdogs? Since seh does fire elemenstation, doesn't that make her Skip? -MIKE
Probably not. The Rubians rearrange themselves every generation, if she is one of the reincarnated underdogs, she's probably one of the girls. -ChowChow
Does she ever play a tuba? -Gothica
Sort of. -ChowChow
Wait, i'm lost... don't alot of people do fire elemenstation? She doesn't have to be an underdog does she? -Rhok
Nope... but there was the rumor that she was a reincarnated wizbit. There are some dropped hints in the books. Not sure if that's really formally addressed here though. -Tim

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