
The Elemenstor Cycle

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The Elemenstor Cycle


An index of the thirteen books of Tycho Brahe's Elemenstor Saga novella cycle, with a plot summary and links to each book's own page.


See the Availability page for information on hardback and paper back availability of each title. Excerpts from the cycle that are recounted here.




Also of note is Book 13 and a Half: The Eternal Timesorc'ley of Middlemoon (Colloquially, I Can't Believe It's Not Canon!), which many believe to be written by Tycho Brahe, but is not generally accepted as canonical.


* We're trying to be somewhat authoritative about this. While the penultimate three books of the cycle do indeed bring the epic narrative to a climax with the war of the hierarchs, the nicknames adopted for these episodes by some of the ELotH:TES fan community should not actually replace the real titles so carefully chosen by Mr. Brahe.

For other ELotH literature, see the Tides of Epic Conflict Saga and Other Elemenstor Literature.

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