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The Gouth
The Gouth are a tall and imposing race, often sought after as mercenaries. They inhabit the Plane of Brooding Melancholia. However, the Gouth vastly prefer poetry and making tiny gew-gaws to warfare. Those wishing to enlist the Gouth in their conflicts must appeal to their finer natures with performances of extemporaneous poetry and gifts of beads, wire, and other gew-gaw-making materials. One must always remain exceedingly polite, as well--the Gouth are sticklers for manners. The Gouth language has over thirty modes of polite address, which of which being determined by the relative rank of one's adressee and the ambient temperature (minus wind chill).
The Gouth are not to be confused with the Ungouth, who were Gouth corrupted by Char Reyarteb to serve as his personal guard. They are incredibly feisty and prone to conflict. They are also exceedingly rude, and impossible to assemble into a fighting force without half of them killing the other half. Strangely, it always appeared as though it was the half on the viewers left hand side that did the killing, regardless of the viewing angle.
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