The Lost Factions of the Unknown Misgivings

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The Lost Factions of the Unknown Misgivings

The Lost Factions of the Unknown Misgivings is a period of time driven by war. It spans 18,009 to 18,097 and is certianly a dramatic period.

After the Cohoris, Khith, and Wutel combine their meager tribes to form the Khith-Cohoris-Wutel, a tri-tribe union. This starts out as a very weak union, but very soon the very tall Lord Kinlo entered the scene. His tallness, sense of purpose, and really damn cool standard were all that was needed for the Khith-Cohoris-Wutel to rally underneath him.

News of this rally spread fast, however, and literally every single alliance in the nearby area and even pretty far away were pretty pissed by Kinlo's action. The actual reasons why they were angered have been lost in history, but needless to say they were more than happy to pick up arms and fight Kinlo and his legions. He spent his short reign fighting and laying waste to these hundreds of alliances, never getting around to dealing with his self-proclaimed mortal enemies, The Wizbits. However, oddly enough, The Wizbits did not even exist until 1,000 years after Kinlo's time. The explanation for this is covered in the Refound Factions of the Lost Factions of the Unknown Misgivings Trilogy.