
The Start

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The Start


In the year 30,763 scholars from all over Battal gathered together to discuss the beginnings of the world. Over time various different stories about the creation and subsequent multiple destructions of Battal had ballooned out of control into a huge number of discrepant theories about the origins of the world. To rectify this the scholars decided to weed through all the different creation and Hierarchy Era stories and construct a coherent story about the early days of the world.


What they ended up with was termed The Start, they had the same problem naming things as certain Astrolonomers had at naming things. The Start was written in epic prose by the day's most skilled poet/writer Brother Mythre. The epic covered the creation of Battal by the Hierarchs, the subsequent multiple destructions of Battal, and the separation of some of the Heirarchs in to their relative Pantheons.


Regarded as accurate from a scholarly standpoint the work came under fire from the followers of Vuksveufa for contradicting the Weighty Tome of Elemenstor at some points. One good example of this is the description of how the Tyrant of Shulk appeared in the past to engage in The Amazing Wandering Through and Picking of Wildflowers. Another is the description of the Great Distraction which the orthodox maintain Hildarth was the most beautiful human woman ever, The Start contends that at best she was very hot (a vote was held at the meeting on this fact and the vote split between Hildarth, Lopae of Hopea, Serafina Haberdasheron and one Cheryl Tonniston).

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