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The Steam Coalition
A organization of Water and Fire Elemenstors inspired to work together with eachother for the greater good immediately following The Battle of Steam and Ice and Fire and also Water. Although Moisteners and Hotbloods had been rivals for years, they eventually realized they had a common enemy: Ice Elemenstors.
In 24,603, The Brotherhood of the Unliquid Water was still trying to recover from the loss of their leader, Resc Vored, who had frozen himself solid in a block of ice. A new leader, Pryce Lorlei, realized that Betterthanwatermenstors didn't just have an opposite in Water Elemenstors, but logically in Fire Elemenstors as well - since Fire could make Unliquid Water Liquid again.
To prove Ice's superiority to all Elements, not just Water, he challenged up and coming Fire Elemenstoring prodigy Frannie Firetongue to a duel at the Fortress of Unliquidatude. Surprisingly, a large number of Water Elemenstors showed up to observe the duel.
What followed was the Battal version of a soccer riot. Rlex Aogan was insulted, and a great three-way battle ensued that lasted for three weeks.
On the second week, Ms Firetongue encountered the defacto leader of the Moisteners, Wallace Arden, and a mutal attraction was sparked. Together, they were able to convince their peers that Ice was the mutal enemy of both Fire and Water, and that only steam - the true opposite of Ice and the result of mixing Fire and Water, could win the day.
After a sweeping victory that left Frannie's loyal Furniliar, Butters the Toaster of Small Stature but Great Courage destroyed, the group decided to stay together and honor his memory. The group continued to meet in various places accross Battal semi-officially to keep Ice Elemenstors from being jerks and picking on Moisteners or Hotbloods.
Eventually, in 24,610 Frannie and Wallace wed and they built an official headquarters for the group, in the shape of a giant toaster to honor the memory of poor, courageous Butters.
It should be noted that the Steam Coalition in no way ever supported the controversial view that Steam was an Element unto itself.
The Code of the Steam Coalition
All For One
One For All
Breath in Steam
It Opens Your Pores
Opposites Attract
Eat Toast Every Day
Steaming is Better Than Frying
Ice is a Jerk
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