
The Twelve Scourges of Battal

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 3 months ago

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The Twelve Scourges of Battal




An unforseen organization of pure evil created entirely by accident in the Great Elemenstation War. Due to the Epicness Vacuum created by the sheer number of heroes riding to the Cerulean Citadel, twelve of the most epically evil beings from the history/present/future were summoned to the Cerulean Citadel. Upon arriving the Twelve decided to work together as they would never have a greater chance to take over the bastion of High Elemenstation much less take out the majority of heroes in Battal.


Notably several major villans from the history/future of Battal were excluded from the group (such as Vhadxi and Char Reyarteb). No one is quite sure why but some have theorized that having any more villians in one place than had been gathered would have exacerbated the Epicness Vacuum causing a rift in the Elmether. At the end of the war the Epicness Vacuum disapated and those of the Twelve who were not killed in the War were flung back to their proper times.


The Twelve are first mentioned in canon in Book 1 and Book 2 in the descriptions of the Great Elemenstation War that the characters of the books provide. The actual official listing of the Twelve does not come about until the universally banned and reviled ElemenstorLance series The Scourges Pentadecaphron. Each Scourge has their own book in the series. The actual War is described in the final two books of the series Don't Be a Scourge of Battal while Striking Your Gear in the Shield and Dinner with a Shelf.


The Twelve













  • X: Featured in Chaos Resplendent: a Time for Blood. X is a boy from the Dugba Scissor Tribe. Apparently, saying his actual name three times in front of a mirror in the dark will summon him (after which he will kill you), and even saying it once under any circumstances risks causing a horrible painful death. Unfortunately his name is Itzdarkinere.

Comments (2)

K said

at 11:06 pm on Jun 23, 2007

Wow. Well done--I can see a lot of work went into this one. Very impressive.

Anonymous said

at 11:12 pm on Jun 23, 2007

Yeah, well even reading the back of those books was enough to make my nose bleed.

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