
The Vaxin-Marryer

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The Vaxin-Marryer


During the wedding of Vaxin the Tiny to Rothgar, Formerly Known as Rothgar of the 72 Titles (which was, predictably, attended by a great many Title Bestowers), the Priest of Ronardity performing the ceremony could not manage to say Rothgar's most recent title without getting tongue-tied.


While initially amusing, the Priest's antics grew increasingly annoying, as it was a hot summer day and everyone just wanted to get the ceremony over with. Finally, about mid-way through the vows, one of the Title Bestowers stood up and officially bestowed the title of "Vaxin-Marryer" on Rothgar. As this was now his latest title, for arbitrary religious reasons unique to Ronardity it could be used in lieu of the somewhat longer title the Priest had found so much difficulty saying.


The ceremony was quickly completed, and everyone was grateful that they weren't adherents of Fgsfds, which would have required the Priest to address Rothgar by his entire name, including all titles.


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