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Twenty-One Man Gafroom

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Twenty-One Man Gafroom


One of the more popular and convoluted team sports in Battal is Twenty-One Man Gafroom, a game played with 21 players on each team. Each position is unique, with different combinations of positions taking the field during each of the sport's seven unique outings, into which a single game is divided. Although most of the methods of scoring remain the same throughout the outings, special rules modify the core game in each segment.


The Field

A long rectangular grassy field painted with a giant red X and 12 white lines crossing the field perpendicular to the line of play. On each end of the field there is a hole large enough for three men to stand up in and not have their heads above ground level. In pick-up games, the goal hole is demarcated by a circle drawn with chalk.



  1. Frooman - Uses a wooden stick of the same length as his height. Regardless of the outing number, can move forward down the field, but must be carried toward his own goal hole.
  2. Bearer - May carry or help carry any player on the field
  3. Froobearer - May only carry or help carry the Frooman, also in outing 7 may not score points


Outing Names

Outing 1

Positions: Bearer

Rules: Bearers are allowed to carry the other teams Bearers but not their own Bearers. Bearers line up at midfield directly across from one another. All Bearers must participate in this outing.

Scoring Method: Depositing the other teams Bearer in the goal hole on the side of the field where the depositing team started.

Ending Condition: When a net of 10 points have been obtained between the two teams or if all the bearers from one team have been thrown in to the goal hole. All Bearers in the goal holes are not allowed to participate in outings 2 and 5.


Outing 2

Positions: Bearer, Frooman, Froobearer

Rules: Bearers are allowed to carry anyone on the field. Froobearers may only carry their own Frooman. A maximum of 11 Men are allowed to take the field for each team, no other Races or genders are allowed. All players start on the red X.

Scoring Method: The Frooman is deposited in a goal hole.

Ending Condition: The Frooman from one team is deposited in the goal hole. The depositing team gets the victory for the outing. The winning team is allowed to redesignate 2 players to different positions for the remainder of the game. This outing counts for 10 points.


Outing 3

Positions: Froobearer, Frooman

Rules: All Froobearers and Frooman must participate in this outing. Froobearers are constrained to move only on the red X and are not allowed to touch the other teams Froobearers.

Scoring Method: The other teams Frooman touches the ground or the Froobearers move outside of the red X.

Ending Condition: When a net of 20 points is scored between the two teams.


Outing 4

Positions: Bearer, Frooman

Rules: Only females from any Race are allowed to be on the field. Bearers may carry anyone. All players start lined up opposite each other at the center of the field.

Scoring Method: The Frooman is deposited in a goal hole.

Ending Condition: The Frooman from one team is deposited in the goal hole. The depositing team gets the victory for the outing. This outing counts for 20 points.


Outing 5

Positions: Bearer, Frooman, Froobearer

Rules: Bearers are allowed to carry anyone on the field. Froobearers may only carry their own Frooman. A maximum of 11 beings from any Race other than Men or Women Folk are allowed to take the field. All players start on the red X.

Scoring Method: The Frooman is deposited in a goal hole.

Ending Condition: The Frooman from one team is deposited in the goal hole. The depositing team gets the victory for the outing. This outing counts for 18 points.


Outing 6

Positions: Bearer, Froobearer

Rules: All Bearers and Froobearers are required to participate. Bearers may only carry those on their own team. Froobearers start in the goal hole adjacent to the Bearers who will be surrounding the goal hole.

Scoring Method: Depositing a Froobearer in the goal at the opposite end of the field from where the team started.

Ending Condition: When a net of 12 points has been gained between the two teams or when one team has completely transfered all their Froobearers to the opposite goal hole. All Froobearers not transfered are not allowed to participate in outing 7.


Outing 7

Positions: Bearer, Froobearer, Frooman

Rules: Bearers may carry anyone. Froobearers may carry the Frooman but cannot place him in the goal hole. Once the Frooman is scored in one goal hole he must be taken to the opposite goal hole to score again.

Scoring Method: The Frooman is deposited in a goal hole. Scoring the other team's Frooman is worth 3 points.

Ending Condition: One team reaches exactly 20 points.



All the points gained through all the rounds are added up. Bonus points are handed out as follows:


  • 2 points for each female participant judged comely by a panel of 5 sober peasants
  • 2 points for each male participant judged handsome by a panel of 5 sober peasants
  • 2 points for each participant that possesses supernatural powers
  • 3 points for each participant that can lift the panel of 5 sober peasants over their head
  • 4 points for each nonstandard gendered participant (must be from a Race with at least 3 genders (i.e. Ooamp)) judged as attactive by a panel of 5 sober peasants
  • 10 points for each participant that does not possess supernatural powers
  • 10 points for each nonstandard gendered participant
  • 30 points for winning all the Outings
  • -30 points for lossing all the Outings


The team with the most points wins the game.




Twenty-One Man Gafroom is first mentioned in Book 2 and is later expounded upon in Book 5 in which Felthar the Moderately Handsome was part of the Twenty-One Man Gafroom team for the Institute Of Accoutermentia. It is also in Book 5 when the rules of the game are laid out as the reader watches a game throught the eyes of Felthar and Serafina Haberdasheron. More recently it has played an important role in the book, The Hitchhiker's Guide to Battal, in which the the main character, Harold Copperblack, has to put together a team from across Battal in order to save it from utter destruction.



Anyone know of any of the classic strategies for this game? -bfg00

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