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Unlight Elves
Not true Elves at all, but a Elvin halfbreed whose blood is mixed with the Nevelost of Grth'lwythlnn, and the race became twisted in the dark and fuming mines of Silverstone that lay deep beneath their realm. This evolution, and the circumstances that spawned it, are collectively known as the Third Great Tragedy of the Nevelost.
Still preserving the grace and beauty shared by the races of their fore fathers, the Unlight Elves are tall, well shaped, and delicately beautiful. Their long ears point high and proudly up, and their long white or blue hair flows around them as it animated by a gentle breeze. Their skin though is such a black that it seems to draw light from around it, and strangely, things they handle become smudged as if by charcoal.
Skilled in swordsmanship and archery, their graceful form of combat known as Swervl'sla is deadly and entrancing to behold, and their Quickshot Archery known as Bw'lon, which means "arrow thought", is swift and deadly. Weapons crafted by the Unlight Elves were strong and true.
Preserving the arts of their progenitors, the Unlight Elves made cloaks and flowing robes upon which are embroidered rich tapestries of deep ocre, purples, and gold. Painting, song, and dance as well, although turned to dark and grim subjects, those that see these works and kept their sanity have called them hauntingly enchanting.
During the Unlight War, it was said that the Mean Elves would probably have joined the ranks of the Unlight Elves if they had asked rather than attacking first.
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