

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 12 months ago

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Class: Adult

Element: Fire

First Appearance: EFWQ VIII: Betrayal of the Turncoat Dark Knights

Other Notable Appearances: The Cerulean Masterpiece, Something Wicker This Way Comes


A moderately powerful Fire Elemanifestation. It has healing and defensive gears, with each face striking a different one. Its three heads represent joy, anger, and sorrow - and whenever it manifests, it usually immediately starts arguing with itself. It also dispalys some traits of mild paranoia, trying to see everything around it at all times. It claims to be married to Shiver, an Ice Elemanifestation and it is constantly worried about her turning adultrous. How non-corporeal, non-gendered Elemental beings could be married, have sex, or commit adultry is best left to philosphers.


Physical Form

Vindaloo takes on the form of an androgynous human with three faces and four arms, dressed in light-fitting but exquisite clothing.




Comments (4)

Tim said

at 11:38 pm on Jun 15, 2006

what does the gears section represent? what gears the elemanifestation can assist with? each can do all three classes regardless of infant/adult/ultimate?

Anonymous said

at 11:41 pm on Jun 15, 2006

Yeah, each can do all three classes, but the Bassal gear of an infant is weaker than the Parsum gear of an Ultimate. Actual Elemanifestation only happens during use of the Bassal gear. Anything else you get either a faint outline, or nothing, making it seem like the Elemenstor is pulling off the gear without any help, which is just what they want peasants to believe in most cases.

Tim said

at 11:53 pm on Jun 15, 2006

the faint outline isn't a faint elemanifestation?

Tim said

at 11:58 pm on Jun 15, 2006

so the power of a struck gear is determined by the gear level and the elemanifestation level? what about for elemenstors that don't use an elemenatifestation to strike the gear, do elemenstors have three power levels too? does it differ from gear to gear for an elemenstor or is his power level the same across the board..
I'm still not clear on if any elemanifestation can assist with any gear or if there is a set of gears that an elemanifestation can help with.. also it appears as though there is some overlap because you mention different elemanifestations working on the same gear

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