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When Ami-Tokii migrated south out of Kelembad and into the Wang Kingdom where they made for themselves a home. As the Wangs tell it, "nature finds a way" and the Wangs and the Ami-Tokii began to intermarry. The resulting race became known as the Wanks. Wanks, however, are quick to distinguish them for the Wangs who they are commonly mistaken for.
More easy going than their Ami-Tokii parentage they peacefully settled into the low farmlands surrounding Mt Wang and lived for many generations. It is rumored that after The Unsundering, War Men captured many Wanks and took them to their underground kingdom, known as the Savage Barrenlands to work as slave laborers although this lost Wank faction may only be an allegory from Wank legend. Reportedly, however, the surviving Wanks have "no hard feelings" towards the War Men.
The Wanks' favorite pasttime was wankery, a sport (or "art") practiced only by Wanks. They annually hold a Wankery World Championship in their central village of Wankaido. It is unknown if only Wanks attend because only Wanks perform wankery or if only Wanks attend because no other races care to bother with their particular brand of sport.
Unusual Wank Traits
Physically Wanks appear to be similar to Wangs, although perhaps generally a bit taller and fairer. Interestingly, Wanks seem to have inherited the Vampyre heritage of an unusually disharmony with horse breeds. Horses forced into the presence of a Wank astoundingly gain the ability to produce intelligible speech, giving them the ability to voice their displeasure. This unique ability has been used in several court cases where the only witness to a crime is a horse, who is then questioned by a Wank Barrister.
Wanks also tell their days and years according to the odd Wank Calendar, which is based on no known calendar in current existence. Most Wanks can't interpret the calendar, either, and it is up to the more learned Wanks to tell which day it is at dawn.
Wanks typically subsist on a drink known as rare mint tea. While they can consume anything a normal human can, rare mint tea has as-of-yet unknown properties that sustain Wanks better than other food. In a pinch, alcohol also seems to have the same effect, but alcohol gets Wanks very, very drunk, whereas rare mint tea simply makes a Wank feel awake, at peace, and friendly. Indeed, Wanks who are weaned off of rare mint tea (and alcohol) completely are known to be come incurably cranky Dark Wanks.
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