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Wayjere Ovelkus

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Wayjere Ovelkus

Son of Elkus Ootvalley, father of Gendoman Ovelkus, husband of Love Ovelkus.



Little is known about his early life after his mother's desperate flight from Trembaloo into the land of the Clang carrying him as an infant.


When we see him next in The Misplaced Givings, the year is 18,140 and he is already an old man, bent with years, although a certain twinkle has not left his eyes. He works as a safety inspector for OreCorp, Ltd and is responsible for "all the mining operations in Mandleclang and parts south and east."


His son, Gendoman, who manifested the Knack early in life, has just returned from attending the Grimm Elemenstati Akademia, and has opened up a small bakery in Middleclang, specializing in Raddish Bread, a well known Middleclang specialty. Wayjere lead a quiet life, peaceful and happy, but tinged with the regret of opportunities for epic deeds passed by and a life all but spent. He remembers fondly, tales of his father recounted to him by his mother. It was motivated by these feelings that Wayjere pushed Gendoman to seek a larger destiny.


"Adventure awaits just beyond the mountains, my boy," he would say. "Across the river lies lands undiscovered by these simple folk, and things remembered here only as legend."


But coaxing and prodding was not required, for adventure found Gendoman Ovelkus, whether he would have sought it or no. As for Wayjere, he is unexpectedly drawn at last into adventure when he finds himself matching wits with a mysterious presence, the ancient Dyemon Lord Prysmatik.

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