

Page history last edited by K 5 years, 11 months ago

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A yearicle is a measurement of time which decreases in length, the more of them you have. Just one yearicle is 30 years in length, but if you have two yearicles then the second yearicle is 2 years shorter. The third yearicle is 2 years shorter than that, and so on. For example, "eight yearicles" is 30 + 28 + 26 + 24 + 22 + 20 + 18 + 16 = 184 years.


Since the length of a yearicle in years varies, and the length of a year in days also varies, and the length of a day also varies, the yearicle is a wholly intractable unit of measurement which is nevertheless used widely in ELotH:TES due to tradition and local custom.


Tonfeer's Quick Reference Guide includes this handy chart on the inside cover:

0 yearicles 0 years
1 yearicles 30 years
2 yearicles 58 years
3 yearicles 84 years
4 yearicles 108 years
5 yearicles 130 years
6 yearicles 150 years
7 yearicles 168 years
8 yearicles 184 years
9 yearicles 198 years
10 yearicles 210 years
11 yearicles 220 years
12 yearicles 228 years
13 yearicles 234 years
14 yearicles 238 years
15 yearicles 240 years (an Eonicle)
16 yearicles 240 years (also an Eonicle)
17 yearicles 238 years
18 yearicles 234 years
19 yearicles 228 years
20 yearicles 220 years
21 yearicles 210 years
22 yearicles 198 years
23 yearicles 184 years
24 yearicles 168 years
25 yearicles 150 years
26 yearicles 130 years
27 yearicles 108 years
28 yearicles 84 years
29 yearicles 58 years
30 yearicles 30 years
31 yearicles 0 years (a Miracle Yearicle)


Mathematically speaking, n yearicles is equal to (the absolute value of) 31x-x2 years.


Eulith theorized that every 240 yearicles there would be a Miracle Eonicle. This theory was further fleshed out by noted crackpot astrolonomer Orwin Gernal.


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